You are the captain of a cat's crew, your goal? Wreak havoc and destroy your master's stuff and then rebuild them into more stuff for cats! But be careful! If you destroy everything without thinking twice you will get thrown out, so beat some rats to counter that.

We were HEAVILY inspired by the pikmin series, love the concept and idea of having to strategize how to mange your resources in this case cats so we wanted to try doing something similar but adding a bit of of spice (chaos) to the mix

Special thanks to:

eckholtN - 3D Modeler, VFX artist, Shader Artist, Texture Artist and canadian.

COCOs - 3D Modeler, VFX artist, Shader Artist, Texture Artist also canadian

3rd party assets used:

VS Pop_5.mp3 by Vilkas_Sound -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

Puff of Smoke by qubodup -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

cloud-punch.wav by CaptainYulef -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Cartoon_Punch_02.wav by RSilveira_88 -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

Coin icons created by Gregor Cresnar - Flaticon

Github icons created by Graphics Plazza - Flaticon

Geoff Harvey - Excuse me cat


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I hate rats and I love kittens


Love it! Just a quick thought, it may have been more ideal for the player cat to follow the mouse when holding left click, as I find that I am repeatedly pressing left click to move at a constant rate. It's not an issue though. Good job! :)

Thanks! And yeah, thought about that, like an hour before submitting, but didn't have enough time to make that change without changing a fair bit of code, regardless, thanks for playing! :D


The best metaphorical representation of the indomitable human spirit and his quest for a good eepy napy nap.