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Fun game. Same as aguax, a little more space in the board would have been nice, but it has interesting mechanics and ideas


So fun ! I loved it !



I like it, would be cool to have more space arround the board but nice starting point 4.7/5

thanks for the feedback! we are thinking of allowing more freedom in the placement of cards


i still cant win lmao, good game, 4.5/5






Holy cow! This is awesome. The presentation of it almost reminds me a little of Legend of Bumbo.

Yeaah!! thank you so much!!! and nice reference to edmund mcmillen's art work Legend of Bumbo which clearly left a mark on the gaming industry!!!!

make in godot?


No, the game was made in unity :)



highly profressional and how to learn unity


For unity, you can find a ton of stuff online to learn. But is mostly trial and error, this is the fourth or fifth game of our team and the first to be an actual stable and fun experience. If you want to get into it, just start looking for tutorials on how to do stuff on YouTube.

ok~so diffcult   >.<



pretty good





Thank you!! :)